Clay is as busy as they come. He learned to crawl a few weeks ago and that is not enough apparently. He pulls himself up on everything and always wants to hold my hands so he can walk around. He is very curious and loves to explore now that he can. He also LOVES to play with Koby and Spencer. Luckily, they love it too! Here are a few random snapshots of my busy guy over the last few days...
Trying to be big with his brothers....JPG)
Under the table holding onto the bench...
What a cutie! I can't believe how big he's getting. Taggart is into EVERYTHING, too. It's so busy here, too.
He seems so big! Can't wait to get our curious crawlers together. They will love each other!
Such a fun age, but also a busy age!! He is so cute and has the cutest cheeks!!
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