I've never done an organized party for any of my kids, but this year playgroup was at our house on Camryn's birthday (well, the day before, but we were celebrating it that day since B and I would be gone on her day). It started out as just a small thing, but turned into a real party! We invited a few more friends and cousins and had a lot of fun! Although, I think 3 is still a little young for a structured party. Since Camryn is obsessed with dogs (and pretty much all animals), we had a dog birthday party. (btw, if you google dog birthday party you will find that a lot of people are throwing their real dogs birthday parties:)) Here are the invitations that Camryn (and I think every girl we passed them out to) loved...
We (my mom and sis and I) painted a dog face on the children as they arrived...
We played pin-the-tail-on-the-dog on a dog that Camryn decorated the day before with stickers...
One of Camryn's favorite thing to do is print up pictures from the internet to color, so we had several dog pictures printed up. We colored and decorated them with dog stickers...
We had a visit from two real live dogs! This was the hilite of the party...big thanks to our great neighbors for providing the entertainment...
We ate mini corn dogs and dog bone-shaped cookies...
Opening presents within a swarm of girls...
An attempt to get most of the friends together for a picture...
The thank you gifts...small stuffed dogs with a treat bag of "dog food" (cocoa puffs and scooby snacks)...
What a great party!
And, here she is opening presents from her brothers, with gifts including legos, bath bubbles, colors, toys, a camping/beach chair, clothes and a bike!
Why does she have to grow up? And why does she have to be so darn cute? She is so super fun...I love the conversations we have. She truly is my little best friend. Hopefully that will last forever!
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