We took the boys to see Peter Pan at Greeley West High School on Saturday. I am amazed at what a great job they do, you would never guess it was a high school performance - awesome actors, live orchestra doing all the music throughout, great singing (no feeling sorry for them when they mess up or cringing because it is hard to listen to). Anyway, the boys were entertained through the whole thing. Even in the movies they get tired of it and want to go home.
Okay, so my point is about the actual play - Peter Pan. I haven't seen the movie for who knows how long, well before I was even close to being married. Now that I have boys, the meaning is different than I remember. Peter Pan and the lost boys don't want to grow up. They don't want to go to school or wear a tie. They want to be messy, stinky, slimy boys forever. They wipe their noses on their sleeves and never clean themselves up, they play all day long and fight pirates and indians. What more could a boy want? Well, apparently, they want a mom to tell them stories and sew them pockets! Boys need pockets, and they certainly need moms. So, if I could help it, I would let my boys stay boys forever.

But, I know that is not fair and I need to let them enjoy the same things that I have been able to, including having them. Today our ward said goodbye to a boy leaving for a mission and I can't help but look years into the future at the day that will be my boys. I try to think of this every day and keep things in prespective. I love having stinky, slimy, snotty boys with rocks and trinkets in their pockets! Let's hear it for the boys!
It' so fun that you have three boys. You are an inspiration!
Amen, sister! Where would we be w/o our boys!?
Also...Our family could use a few more of them!
Logan keeps me so grounded about how fast kids grow up!! I hear ya, it is so sad when you think about your little boy going on a mission!!
You are such an incredible mom and example! I love the boys too!
Here, Here! Gotta love boys! Isnt it so funny how boys just come knowing exactly how to be BOYS?? They are designed that way :) Yes, all of the things you mentioned...Rocks, trinkets in the pockets, playing pirates, swords, etc. It is so fun to watch! BOYS bring soo much JOY!
You're a great mother of boys! And it's great that you love it.
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