Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 4th

I was feeling especially patriotic this year. I had a chance early in the week to reflect on the beginnings of this country and try to more fully appreciate the importance of it all.
For many years we have been in Colorado for the 4th. We would sometimes go to the parade and always go to the fireworks at Lake Loveland after a great family bbq. We have loved that tradition.
But, this year did not disappoint. A humongous thanks to my bro Jonny and his friends for camping out on the parade route so our family could have a prime spot - it was perfect! The Freedom Festival parade in Provo is great - constantly entertaining for the kids, and just the right length.
Afterwards, we went home and had a long rest.
Then off to our neighborhood bbq and Cul-de-sac of fire. The name says it all. At least three displays of crazy people (my bro being one of them) lighting fireworks. Plus, some great overhead ones (shhhh!). I tried to get a good picture so you could get the feel of the night, but it was hard.

Poor Clay spent the first half of the parade and the whole night of fireworks plugging his ears...
Me and my seester - we are kind of scary. It's a parade, give us a break!
My mom - one super cute grandma!
Clay and papa (Clay can see himself in the glasses)...The tired ones who stayed the night on the street...

High fives to Provo missionaries...
...and to Cosmo...
Begging to be sprayed by every water gun that passed by...
Cool Pirates that stole our treasure (chocolate) from our cooler...
John and Brandon...
The Cul-de-sac of fire...


Brigette said...

Looks like SO much fun!

MallyMal said...

Looks like so much fun!! Our 4th was kind of a dud this year-it poured rain...Wouldn't it be cool to be in a plane during fire works!? :)

Katie Smith said...

Looks like a fun day! We walked up to the Stadium of Fire (with about 50 million other people) to sneak-a-peek and Jack hated the fireworks!! It was so sad.

Thanks for coming to class yesterday. I hope it was okay. Like I said, it was my first time teaching that format and then my boss was there! I was so nervous. The first time is always the hardest so I'm expecting it to get much better. Hopefully it was decent and you got a good workout. I'll miss you today!

Sarah said...

How fun! I'm glad you guys had a great 4th! :)

Tina said...

We really enjoyed the Provo parade when we lived there; puts the Greeley one to shame! (I like how the missionaries get to be in the parade!) We alsolove playing with fireworks! We had a cul-de-sac of fire going here, too (even after the cops showed up).

Crystel said...

The parade looks like a ton of fun!

SUMMER said...

Parades are SO fun on the 4th! I hear that UTAH is quite the place to be with tons of celebrations! Such a fun holiday! Your fam is too cute Cam!