Tuesday, August 25, 2009

You're EX-ed out!

I felt like I was in a special club when I made it into a carpool this year. My darling little niece Addie has a "club." She likes to EX people in and out of it depending on how she feels about them at the time. Don't make her upset or she'll EX you out just like that!
Well, this is the first full week of school and it is my week to carpool. So, I picked up my cute carpool kiddos at 9:05 and got them off to school in time. At 3:00 I told Spencer we were leaving in 20 minutes to pick up our carpool. At that time I realized that my phone had turned off on it's own. I turned it back on to see that I had missed some calls and had some messages. But, before I could check anything, I got a call from my mom. She was informing me that she was at the school picking up my carpool because nobody could get a hold of me and it was early out day. The kids got out at 2:30 and were stranded (and some scared) for half an hour!
I felt like such a failure. I called the moms to apologize and hoped they wouldn't EX me out of the carpool club. I brought treats to the poor kids I left stranded. I begged for forgiveness. And, now, in about half an hour I have to go face them again and hope those kids get in the car with me!


Brigette said...

Oh the pressure! I gave up on the idea of car pools before I was even in need of being in one -- too much stress for us!

Kim said...


Sarah said...

Oh my gosh! Waaaay too stressfull for me!

Lydia Moon said...

Hopefully the other moms are understanding. I'm sure you'll be a great carpool-er. :)

Crystel said...

Been there, done that. It is stressful when its your turn but totally worth it when its someone else's turn!