What do you think about the Olympics? I am enjoying watching it when I can. I have taped (on my small TV/VCR combo that we inherited from a renovated church) the nights that I have been interested in so I could be sure to watch the whole story of the night. But, certain things are really bothering me this year that I just haven't thought about before. I am annoyed that so many athletes are not even the nationality of the country they represent.
I also get annoyed with all the equipment, suits and other gear to help better performances. I know everyone is using the same stuff to their advantage, but what if we toned it down a bit? I suppose then we wouldn't break records every Olympics and then it would be less exciting? It all just seems a bit much to me.
Then, there are the events that just don't make sense to me. Curling? Really? Can you call yourself an athlete if you curl? And the one where you cross country ski, then stop to shoot targets, then ski, shoot, etc. What do the two have to do with each other?
The judged events are always hard, obviously. Why do we have to have a ski jump where the longest jump doesn't necessarily win? It needs to be judged according to form, etc. If someone can get farther using a different form, more power to them. Maybe I just don't understand enough.
Maybe it is just being in my ninth month of pregnancy that is really annoying me. Like I said, I still watch and enjoy. Just feel like it's getting out of hand in some cases.
You are so funny. I always laugh at those helmets shaped like a raindrop.
Paul loves curling. I have watched more curling than anything else. I think he likes it because you don't have to be insane fit. One of the American male curler has a little gut.
I can't wait to find out the gender of your baby! It makes it so exciting.
I just love watching Apollo!! I get so nervous every time he races. And i always hope for the Koreans to crash because they are good!
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