Saturday, June 5, 2010


A while ago Brandon discovered this tv show called "Wipeout." Last night he introduced it to the boys. They are hooked. They stayed up until 10:00 watching it and have watched way too many episodes today already. Not sure if it's still on the air, but their are episodes online, of course. If you are a 7 year old boy, this is awesome. I am pretty sure it is Spencer's dream to be a contestant on this show. It is basically a bunch of crazy obstacle courses. Human catapults, punching gloves, mud, water, plenty of rotating and revolving things, lots of falls. It is pretty funny.


Janet said...

We always record Wipe Out and then watch it together after Sunday dinner!

Kim said...

We got into it while we were in the Philippines! Austin loves it too. I just saw an ad saying a new season is starting this summer!

Sarah said...

I have to say....the Japanese version is much funnier!

Jason and Summer, but really just Summer said...

I remember seeing comercials for it but have never watched it. Now that we have a boy who is totally into these kind of things we may need to watch this summer.

Valerie said...

Super funny. The kids love it. "Good night and big balls."

AJ said...

This is one of our family favorites! LOVE IT! And so glad the new season is on!